Singing Horses

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Jazz Quote

| Monday, February 28, 2011 | |
"By and large, jazz has always been like the kind of a man you wouldn't want your daughter to associate with." - Duke Ellington

"Jazz is the false liquidation of art—instead of utopia becoming reality it disappears from the picture." - Theodore Adorno

"Jazz is something Negroes invented, and it said the most profound things—not only about us and the way we look at things, but about what modern democratic life is really about. It is the nobility of the race put into sound ... jazz has all the elements, from the spare and penetrating to the complex and enveloping. It is the hardest music to play that I know of, and it is the highest rendition of individual emotion in the history of Western music." - Wynton Marsalis

"What makes the performance is the dialogue created between you and everybody around you spontaneously. And you have to interact with everybody up there, interacting and reacting, throwing out ideas. Jazz is a purely democratic music. It's collective creativity where somebody introduces something and we all get a chance to say something about it. It always amazes me, the whole of it is just a great spirit. It grabs you to the point where it never lets you go until the very last breath." - Max Roach

"There is nothing but jazz." - Konrad Stragier

"Jazz is not a 'form' but a collection of tags and tricks." - Ernest Newman

"If you have to ask, you'll never know." - Louise Armstrong

"Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny." - Frank Zappa

"Music is a journey. Jazz is getting lost." - John O'Farrell

"Jazz is sex." - Katherine Boeyen

“When they study our civilization two thousand years from now, there will only be three things that Americans will be known for: the Constitution, baseball and jazz music. They're the three most beautiful things Americans have ever created.” - Gerald Early

This quote about Jazz is presented to R Adhitya P A


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