Jan 16, 2011 11:35:39 AM Nisa John Vesely: Hey
Jan 16, 2011 11:47:41 AM R.A.T: hey
Jan 16, 2011 11:48:14 AM Nisa John Vesely: Siapa disana?
Jan 16, 2011 11:48:33 AM R.A.T: Fian, km
Jan 16, 2011 11:48:40 AM R.A.T: Fian, km
Jan 16, 2011 11:49:57 AM Nisa John Vesely: Nisa
Jan 16, 2011 11:50:11 AM Nisa John Vesely: Oh, temennya Kaka ya?
Jan 16, 2011 11:50:55 AM R.A.T: iya temen Kaka
Jan 16, 2011 11:51:33 AM Nisa John Vesely: Fian 9E?
Jan 16, 2011 11:51:56 AM R.A.T: iya tau dari mana?
Jan 16, 2011 11:55:55 AM Nisa John Vesely: Sering ngeliat di lp
Jan 16, 2011 11:56:13 AM Nisa John Vesely: Kadang bareng Kaka
Jan 16, 2011 11:56:26 AM R.A.T: anak 2 jg kamu
Jan 16, 2011 11:56:35 AM R.A.T: iya suka bareng
Jan 16, 2011 11:56:39 AM Nisa John Vesely: Iya
Jan 16, 2011 11:56:58 AM Nisa John Vesely: Berarti bener
Jan 16, 2011 11:57:10 AM R.A.T: bener apa
Jan 16, 2011 11:58:16 AM Nisa John Vesely: Kamu yang suka bareng sama Kaka
Jan 16, 2011 12:00:38 PM Nisa John Vesely: Waktu bazaar GMP jadi acara kan?
Jan 16, 2011 12:03:03 PM R.A.T: iyaiya, sekelas sama kaka km
Jan 16, 2011 12:03:16 PM Nisa John Vesely: iya haha
Jan 16, 2011 12:04:35 PM R.A.T: yg mana emang
Jan 16, 2011 12:07:59 PM Nisa John Vesely: besok liat aja yang pake jaket kuning
Jan 16, 2011 12:08:21 PM Nisa John Vesely: kalo aku pake jaket itu juga
Jan 16, 2011 12:09:12 PM R.A.T: oh oke deh
Nah, ini aku kopas dari shmessenger gue nih, untuk membuktikan bahwa selama ini gue punya kecengan *?
All The Title of Secondhand Serenade
It's about Secondhand Serenade Song Title, All of Secondhand's Song. I will make it in a sentence, just read it!
A Twist In My Story always make me Awake and think about the Broken story of us because we are in a Distance, are this is the End? I will Fall For You to Fix You and wish to "don't say Goodbye" if you say it, I feel Half Alive. Hear Me Now to say that i love you and i will sing a song for you although I Hate This Song, but Is Anybody Out There? because if it's anybody out there, i can't say anything moreover sing a song except say It's Not Over for the Last Time to you. Let It Roll Like A Knife and Maybe Nightmares will come to me because for leaving you, the Only Hope for me and Pretend to didn't know you. you, reach your dream like you Reach For The Sky without me again. So Long story of us, please Stay Away from me but i wish you could Stay Close, Don't Go away from me, but I'm acting like a Stranger to you so please don't get closer anymore. I Suppose to Take Me With You but I can't. Tested & True, it's my love for you and i will sing The Last Song Ever, it's title was Vulnerable. Why i sing it to you? because the World Turns so fast that I can't love you anymore. You and I, You Are A Drug for me and Your Call for the very last time wake me up from my dream.
A Twist In My Story always make me Awake and think about the Broken story of us because we are in a Distance, are this is the End? I will Fall For You to Fix You and wish to "don't say Goodbye" if you say it, I feel Half Alive. Hear Me Now to say that i love you and i will sing a song for you although I Hate This Song, but Is Anybody Out There? because if it's anybody out there, i can't say anything moreover sing a song except say It's Not Over for the Last Time to you. Let It Roll Like A Knife and Maybe Nightmares will come to me because for leaving you, the Only Hope for me and Pretend to didn't know you. you, reach your dream like you Reach For The Sky without me again. So Long story of us, please Stay Away from me but i wish you could Stay Close, Don't Go away from me, but I'm acting like a Stranger to you so please don't get closer anymore. I Suppose to Take Me With You but I can't. Tested & True, it's my love for you and i will sing The Last Song Ever, it's title was Vulnerable. Why i sing it to you? because the World Turns so fast that I can't love you anymore. You and I, You Are A Drug for me and Your Call for the very last time wake me up from my dream.
Story about @nsTrafalgarLaw @funkywinkybarr and @Bustomi_19
Heyheyhey, gue pengen banget cerita nih tentang timeline twitter gue yang full banget sama mention ke ka @Bustomi_19. Just read it!
Pertama gue buka twitter gue, aduh ampun... Kaga nahan... Kacau balau dengan semua twitter yang memohon, meminta sampe memaksa tweet-nya itu dibales sama ka @Bustomi_19... Banyaaaaaaaaak bangeeeeet, sampe-sampe timeline gue full sama yang minta tweetnya dibales, rela banget ya? Kacau dah kacau... Sampe-sampe sohib gue aja, si @funkywinkybarr, ngemention ke gue: #nyerah #cape lama benget nungguin mention dari ka @Bustomi_19 RT @nsTrafalgarLaw . Parah kan? dari tadi dia minta, mohon supaya tweetnya itu dibales sama ka @Bustomi_19 . Sampe akhirnya, gue liat ada yang nekat nulis tweet gini: Assalamualaikum @Bustomi_19 (Wajib jawab, sunah Rasul) . Nekat banget saking pengen tweetnya itu dibales sama ka @Bustomi_19 . Kacau kacau...
Kedua, ngga tanggung tanggung deh yang nge-mention ke ka @Bustomi_19 dari mulai yang ngabal sampe yang bener" niat banget.... Saking nge-fans-nya kali ya... Tapi maaf aja, gue ngga terlalu nge-fans (bagi para pecinta timnas maaf sekali akan hal ini). Kenapa sih mesti maksa? Orang kan ngga mau dipaksa (bukannya apa nih ya, jangan salah prasangka dulu -_-) Masalahnya, gara" timeline gue full sama yang minta mention, komputer gue nge-hang *bzzzzt* (sound effect nge-lag). Tau kan seberapa berantakannya timeline gue akan para pecinta ka @Bustomi_19 ?
Ketiga, kasian amat ya nasib sohib gue, si @funkywinkybarr yang daritadi berharap banget mentionnya dibales sama ka @Bustomi_19... Sampe gue dengan rela ngebantu dia dengan tweet: Iya tau gue, ka @Bustomi_19 tolong RT sekali aja RT @funkywinkybarr: Aku juga pengen RT @nsTrafalgarLaw . Sampe sampe Bio tweet dia aja masukin nama @Bustomi_19 , haduuuh, kacau balau dah...
Udah deh ah ngebahasnya, makin lama bisa makin nge-lag nih komputer, capek..... Nyerah dah minta mention ke ka @Bustomi_19 , kapan" aja lagi.
PS: Gue mau minta maaf ke para pecinta TIMNAS Indonesia dan para pecinta @Bustomi_19 . Sekali lagi maaf
Pertama gue buka twitter gue, aduh ampun... Kaga nahan... Kacau balau dengan semua twitter yang memohon, meminta sampe memaksa tweet-nya itu dibales sama ka @Bustomi_19... Banyaaaaaaaaak bangeeeeet, sampe-sampe timeline gue full sama yang minta tweetnya dibales, rela banget ya? Kacau dah kacau... Sampe-sampe sohib gue aja, si @funkywinkybarr, ngemention ke gue: #nyerah #cape lama benget nungguin mention dari ka @Bustomi_19 RT @nsTrafalgarLaw . Parah kan? dari tadi dia minta, mohon supaya tweetnya itu dibales sama ka @Bustomi_19 . Sampe akhirnya, gue liat ada yang nekat nulis tweet gini: Assalamualaikum @Bustomi_19 (Wajib jawab, sunah Rasul) . Nekat banget saking pengen tweetnya itu dibales sama ka @Bustomi_19 . Kacau kacau...
Kedua, ngga tanggung tanggung deh yang nge-mention ke ka @Bustomi_19 dari mulai yang ngabal sampe yang bener" niat banget.... Saking nge-fans-nya kali ya... Tapi maaf aja, gue ngga terlalu nge-fans (bagi para pecinta timnas maaf sekali akan hal ini). Kenapa sih mesti maksa? Orang kan ngga mau dipaksa (bukannya apa nih ya, jangan salah prasangka dulu -_-) Masalahnya, gara" timeline gue full sama yang minta mention, komputer gue nge-hang *bzzzzt* (sound effect nge-lag). Tau kan seberapa berantakannya timeline gue akan para pecinta ka @Bustomi_19 ?
Ketiga, kasian amat ya nasib sohib gue, si @funkywinkybarr yang daritadi berharap banget mentionnya dibales sama ka @Bustomi_19... Sampe gue dengan rela ngebantu dia dengan tweet: Iya tau gue, ka @Bustomi_19 tolong RT sekali aja RT @funkywinkybarr: Aku juga pengen RT @nsTrafalgarLaw . Sampe sampe Bio tweet dia aja masukin nama @Bustomi_19 , haduuuh, kacau balau dah...
Udah deh ah ngebahasnya, makin lama bisa makin nge-lag nih komputer, capek..... Nyerah dah minta mention ke ka @Bustomi_19 , kapan" aja lagi.
PS: Gue mau minta maaf ke para pecinta TIMNAS Indonesia dan para pecinta @Bustomi_19 . Sekali lagi maaf
Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy doze of atmosphere
Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you dear
Cause I wish you were here
I'll watch the night turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
Till I look at my hands and feel sad
Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right were yours fit perfectly
I'll find repose in new ways
Thought I haven't slept in two days
Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone
As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight
When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy doze of atmosphere
Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you dear
Cause I wish you were here
I'll watch the night turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
Till I look at my hands and feel sad
Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right were yours fit perfectly
I'll find repose in new ways
Thought I haven't slept in two days
Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone
As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight
When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here
Sistem Peringatan Dini Tsunami Hampir Selesai
Enam tahun setelah bencana tsunami 26 Desember 2004, Sistem Peringatan Dini Tsunami Jerman-Indonesia (German-Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning System/GITEWS) sudah siap secara teknis. Proyek ini akan selesai pada 31 Maret 2011 dan pengelolaan akan diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada Indonesia.
Dengan mengandalkan 300 stasiun yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, sistem tersebut bisa memberikan peringatan dalam waktu kurang dari 5 menit setelah gempa bawah laut terjadi. Sebuah stasiun terdiri dari alat sensor gempa atau seismometer, stasiun GPS, pengukur gelombang, serta sistem pelampung. Data yang diterima diolah oleh sistem simulasi untuk menghasilkan informasi berupa peringatan dengan level tertentu bagi garis pantai yang diperkirakan akan terpengaruh.
Pendekatan sistem ini inovatif, demikian tutur Professor Reinhard Hüttl dari Scientific Director of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. "Sistem ini merupakan kombinasi antara sensor-sensor yang berbeda dengan pusat yang cepat dan bisa memberikan presisi akurat, serta didukung oleh pengukuran GPS," jelas Hüttl kepada ScienceDaily.
GITEWS masih perlu sedikit penyempurnaan. Sistem pelampung dianggap tidak diharapkan bisa memberi peringatan lebih cepat. Para ilmuwan tengah mencoba kemungkinan meletakkan sistem pelampung lebih jauh ke laut terbuka untuk memastikan tsunami terhadap negara-negara yang berbatasan dengan Lautan Hindia.
Bencana tsunami di Mentawai pada Oktober 2010 lalu merupakan salah satu akibat keterbatasan sistem peringatan dini. Gelombang tsunami pertama tiba di kepulauan tersebut nyaris berbarengan dengan peringatan tsunami, yakni 4 menit 46 detik setelah gempa terjadi, mengakibatkan korban sekitar 500 jiwa.
GITEWS dibangun segera setelah bencana tsunami 2004 yang menerjang beberapa daerah di Sumatra dan meluas hingga ke Thailand dan Pakistan. Pemerintahan federal Jerman menjalin kontrak dengan Helmholtz Association yang diwakili oleh Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences) untuk mengembangkan sistem peringatan dini di Lautan Hindia. Dana sebesar 45 juta euro digelontorkan oleh pemerintahan federal.
Struktur Baja Tahan Gempa
Untuk meminimalkan kerugian yang timbul akibat kerusakan konstruksi gedung, jembatan, dan infrastruktur lain, yang disebabkan oleh gempa, struktur baja tahan gempa jadi hal penting.
Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan, tempat pertemuan dua lempengan besar sehingga rentan gempa bumi. Demikian ungkap Irvan K. Hakim, Co Chairman Indonesian Iron and Steel Industry Associatioan (IISIA) pada saat seminar IISIA 2010 yang digelar Senin (16/12). Marzan A. Iskandar, kepala BPPT menambahkan, "Oleh karena itu, struktur baja tahan gempa sangat penting."
Konstruksi bangunan tahan gempa diawali dengan filosofi desain dan struktur bangunan. BPPT mampu melakukan audit teknologi proses konstruksi baja tahan gempa dari segi keselamatan publik serta pengawasan keselamatan dalam masa konstruksi.
Baja, menurut Marzan, merupakan material bangunan yang lebih baik daripada beton. "Baja punya sifat elastis, tidak patah, dan cepat dibangun," jelas Marzan.
23.30 p.m
Hey hey hey, maaf kalo postingan postingan kali ini lebih menuju ke Lyrics ya, soalnya lagi pengen banget masang lyrics lagu favorit atau band favorit di blog, daripada ngga ada ide buat ngisi blog ini kan? Blog ini kayanya di tahun 2011 bakalan jarang keurus nih, kasian yah.
Gara-gara jarang keurus, simak aja chit chat gue sama si Blog kenapa bisa jarang keurus.
"Maafin gue ya blog, soalnya 6 bulan kedepan ini lo ga bakal keurus sama gue" kata Nisa
"Kenapa lo ngga bakal ngurus gue selama itu? Itu kan lama banget tau ga sih?" ujar si Blog
"Soalnya nanti gue bakal sibuk ngurusin si bang UN sama temennya tuh, mana banyak banget lagi temennya"
"Kenapa lo malah ngurusin si bang UN itu? Bukannya ngurusin gue?"
"Soalnya ya Blog ya, dengerin nih, camkan camkan, kalo bisa makan sekalian (?), gue harus ngurusin si bang UN supaya bisa lanjut ke si jeng SMAN, bukan di si adek SMPN lagi, tau?"
"Oh gitu ya?" tanya si Blog
"Iya, nanti kalo gue udah nyelesain urusan gue sama si bang UN dan kawan kawan, baru gue bisa ngurus lo lagi" jawab Nisa
"Oh... Iya udah, berarti selama 6 bulan kedepan gue ngga dapet makanan posting sama minuman label dong?"
"Iya bener... Sorry banget ya Blog" Nisa minta maaf ke si Blog
"Kaga ngapa, selesain aja urusan lo sama si bang UN dan kawannya itu, gue bisa nunggu selama itu kok, mungkin masih ada snack pengunjung disini. Dan sekarang, lo fokusin aja dulu urusan lo sama si bang UN oke?" ceramah si Blog
"Iya Blog, makasih ya udah mau ngertiin gue :')"
"Sama-sama Nis, tapi inget ya, begitu urusan lo udah selesai sama si bang UN dan kawannya serta jeng SMAN, lo urus gue lagi ya?"
"Siap bos Blog! Ay ay ay kapten!" seru Nisa
"Kadang gue mikir nih Nis, kenapa lo mau-maunya ngomong ke Blog lo sendiri?" tanya si Blog lagi
"Ngga tau nih, turunan dari kakak gue sama ortu gue kali ye? Buktinya nular juga tuh ke adik gue" komen Nisa
"Oh gitu ye? Iya udah gih sana urusin apa yang lo mau urusin dah" kata si Blog
"Oke, doa'in gue ya Blog supaya urusan gue sama si bang UN berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses, aammiinn" Do'a Nisa
"Amiiin..." kata si Blog
Iya, itulah sebabnya kenapa blog ini bakal jarang dikasih makan minum, untung masih ada snack (kalopun ada)
Segini aja dulu dah, udah nyaris tengah malem nih -_- Makin larut makin ngantuk.
Ada sedikit pantun ciptaan gue sendiri nih, emang kaga nyambung sih awalnya tapi akhirnya nyambung ko (bingung bingung dah lu)
Siang berburu ikan di pantai
Segini dulu yuk ah goodbye
Gara-gara jarang keurus, simak aja chit chat gue sama si Blog kenapa bisa jarang keurus.
"Maafin gue ya blog, soalnya 6 bulan kedepan ini lo ga bakal keurus sama gue" kata Nisa
"Kenapa lo ngga bakal ngurus gue selama itu? Itu kan lama banget tau ga sih?" ujar si Blog
"Soalnya nanti gue bakal sibuk ngurusin si bang UN sama temennya tuh, mana banyak banget lagi temennya"
"Kenapa lo malah ngurusin si bang UN itu? Bukannya ngurusin gue?"
"Soalnya ya Blog ya, dengerin nih, camkan camkan, kalo bisa makan sekalian (?), gue harus ngurusin si bang UN supaya bisa lanjut ke si jeng SMAN, bukan di si adek SMPN lagi, tau?"
"Oh gitu ya?" tanya si Blog
"Iya, nanti kalo gue udah nyelesain urusan gue sama si bang UN dan kawan kawan, baru gue bisa ngurus lo lagi" jawab Nisa
"Oh... Iya udah, berarti selama 6 bulan kedepan gue ngga dapet makanan posting sama minuman label dong?"
"Iya bener... Sorry banget ya Blog" Nisa minta maaf ke si Blog
"Kaga ngapa, selesain aja urusan lo sama si bang UN dan kawannya itu, gue bisa nunggu selama itu kok, mungkin masih ada snack pengunjung disini. Dan sekarang, lo fokusin aja dulu urusan lo sama si bang UN oke?" ceramah si Blog
"Iya Blog, makasih ya udah mau ngertiin gue :')"
"Sama-sama Nis, tapi inget ya, begitu urusan lo udah selesai sama si bang UN dan kawannya serta jeng SMAN, lo urus gue lagi ya?"
"Siap bos Blog! Ay ay ay kapten!" seru Nisa
"Kadang gue mikir nih Nis, kenapa lo mau-maunya ngomong ke Blog lo sendiri?" tanya si Blog lagi
"Ngga tau nih, turunan dari kakak gue sama ortu gue kali ye? Buktinya nular juga tuh ke adik gue" komen Nisa
"Oh gitu ye? Iya udah gih sana urusin apa yang lo mau urusin dah" kata si Blog
"Oke, doa'in gue ya Blog supaya urusan gue sama si bang UN berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses, aammiinn" Do'a Nisa
"Amiiin..." kata si Blog
Iya, itulah sebabnya kenapa blog ini bakal jarang dikasih makan minum, untung masih ada snack (kalopun ada)
Segini aja dulu dah, udah nyaris tengah malem nih -_- Makin larut makin ngantuk.
Ada sedikit pantun ciptaan gue sendiri nih, emang kaga nyambung sih awalnya tapi akhirnya nyambung ko (bingung bingung dah lu)
Siang berburu ikan di pantai
Segini dulu yuk ah goodbye
Boston - More Than A Feeling
I looked out this morning,
and the sun was gone
Turned on some music to start my day
Then lost myself in a familiar song
I closed my eyes, and I slipped away
It's more than a feeling
When I hear that old song they used to play
And I begin dreamin'
Till I see Marianne walk away
I see my Marianne walkin' away
So many people have come and goneGu
Their faces fade as the years go by
Yet I still recall as I wander on
As clear as the sun in the summer sky
When I'm tired and thinkin' cold
I hide in my music, forget the day
And dream of a girl I used to know
I closed my eyes and she slipped away
She slipped away
and the sun was gone
Turned on some music to start my day
Then lost myself in a familiar song
I closed my eyes, and I slipped away
It's more than a feeling
When I hear that old song they used to play
And I begin dreamin'
Till I see Marianne walk away
I see my Marianne walkin' away
So many people have come and goneGu
Their faces fade as the years go by
Yet I still recall as I wander on
As clear as the sun in the summer sky
When I'm tired and thinkin' cold
I hide in my music, forget the day
And dream of a girl I used to know
I closed my eyes and she slipped away
She slipped away
Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon
Screams break the silence
Waking from the dead of night
Vengeance is boiling
He's returned to kill the light
Then when he's found who he's looking for
Listen in awe and you'll hear him
Bark at the moon
Years spent in torment
Buried in a nameless grave
Now he has risen
Miracles would have to save
Those that the beast is looking for
Listen in awe and you'll hear him
Bark at the moon
They cursed and buried him
Along with shame
And thought his timeless soul had gone
In empty burning Hell-unholy one
But now he's returned to prove them wrong
Howling in shadows
Living in a lunar spell
He finds his heaven
Spewing from the mouth of hell
And when he finds who he's looking for
Listen in awe and you'll hear him Bark at the moon
Waking from the dead of night
Vengeance is boiling
He's returned to kill the light
Then when he's found who he's looking for
Listen in awe and you'll hear him
Bark at the moon
Years spent in torment
Buried in a nameless grave
Now he has risen
Miracles would have to save
Those that the beast is looking for
Listen in awe and you'll hear him
Bark at the moon
They cursed and buried him
Along with shame
And thought his timeless soul had gone
In empty burning Hell-unholy one
But now he's returned to prove them wrong
Howling in shadows
Living in a lunar spell
He finds his heaven
Spewing from the mouth of hell
And when he finds who he's looking for
Listen in awe and you'll hear him Bark at the moon
Sum 41 - Fat Lip
Storming through the party like my name was El ninio
When I'm hangin out drinking in the back of an El camino
As a kid, I was a skid and no one knew me by name.
I trashed my own house party cause no body came.
I know I'm not the one you thought you knew back in high school
Never going, ever showing up when we had to.
attention that we crave don't tell us to behave,
I'm sick of always hearing act your age.
I don't want to waste my time
become another casualty of society.
I'll never fall in line
Become another victim of your conformity
And back down.
Because you don't
Know us at all we laugh when old people fall.
But what would you expect with a conscience so small.
Heavy metal and mullets it's how we were raised.
Maiden and priest were the gods that we praised
Cause we like having fun at other peoples expense and,
Cutting people down is just a minor offence then,
It's none of your concern, I guess I'll never learn.
I'm sick of being told to wait my turn.
I don't want to waste my time
become another casualty of society.
I'll never fall in line
Become another victim of your conformity
And back down.
Don't count on me, to let you know when.
Don't count on me, I'll do it again.
Don't count on me, it's the point you're missing.
Don't count on me, cause I'm not listening.
Well I'm a no goodnick lower middle class brat,
Back packed and I don't give a shit about nothing.
You be standing on the corner talking all that kufuffin.
But you don't make sense from all the gas you be huffing.
Then if the egg don't stain you'll be ringing off the hook,
You're on the hit list wanted in the telephone book.
I like songs with distortion, to drink in proportion.
The doctor said my mom should have had an abortion.
I don't want to waste my time
become another casualty of society.
I'll never fall in line
Become another victim of your conformity
And back down.
Waste my time with them
Casualty of society.
Waste my time again,
Victim of your conformity
And back down.
When I'm hangin out drinking in the back of an El camino
As a kid, I was a skid and no one knew me by name.
I trashed my own house party cause no body came.
I know I'm not the one you thought you knew back in high school
Never going, ever showing up when we had to.
attention that we crave don't tell us to behave,
I'm sick of always hearing act your age.
I don't want to waste my time
become another casualty of society.
I'll never fall in line
Become another victim of your conformity
And back down.
Because you don't
Know us at all we laugh when old people fall.
But what would you expect with a conscience so small.
Heavy metal and mullets it's how we were raised.
Maiden and priest were the gods that we praised
Cause we like having fun at other peoples expense and,
Cutting people down is just a minor offence then,
It's none of your concern, I guess I'll never learn.
I'm sick of being told to wait my turn.
I don't want to waste my time
become another casualty of society.
I'll never fall in line
Become another victim of your conformity
And back down.
Don't count on me, to let you know when.
Don't count on me, I'll do it again.
Don't count on me, it's the point you're missing.
Don't count on me, cause I'm not listening.
Well I'm a no goodnick lower middle class brat,
Back packed and I don't give a shit about nothing.
You be standing on the corner talking all that kufuffin.
But you don't make sense from all the gas you be huffing.
Then if the egg don't stain you'll be ringing off the hook,
You're on the hit list wanted in the telephone book.
I like songs with distortion, to drink in proportion.
The doctor said my mom should have had an abortion.
I don't want to waste my time
become another casualty of society.
I'll never fall in line
Become another victim of your conformity
And back down.
Waste my time with them
Casualty of society.
Waste my time again,
Victim of your conformity
And back down.
Graveyard BBQ - Cheat On The Church
Bless these Children
Blessed he who BBQ's
Blessed he who giveth to thee
Alright folks, I want you to take a step back
I want you to dig into those pockets for me now
i want you to dig deep for me now
I am your father
I am your priest
Your only Messiah
To say the least
So donate and give, give generously
Give all you got, GIVE IT TO ME!
I run this place, the House of God
With your new God “GRILL”, your dreams fulfilled
If these walls could talk, the stories they’d tell
And if they did, I’d be in a whole lotta HELL!
So I’m close to the pope, ya know what that means
I can grab and grope and do as I please
Gone into confession, my gamblins in session
Now tell me your sins, 3 cherries I win!
I cheat on the church and embezzle with Greed
I cheat on the church and I take what I need
I cheat on the church and I do as I please
I cheat on the church, boy get down on your knees!
Blessed he who BBQ's
Blessed he who giveth to thee
Alright folks, I want you to take a step back
I want you to dig into those pockets for me now
i want you to dig deep for me now
I am your father
I am your priest
Your only Messiah
To say the least
So donate and give, give generously
Give all you got, GIVE IT TO ME!
I run this place, the House of God
With your new God “GRILL”, your dreams fulfilled
If these walls could talk, the stories they’d tell
And if they did, I’d be in a whole lotta HELL!
So I’m close to the pope, ya know what that means
I can grab and grope and do as I please
Gone into confession, my gamblins in session
Now tell me your sins, 3 cherries I win!
I cheat on the church and embezzle with Greed
I cheat on the church and I take what I need
I cheat on the church and I do as I please
I cheat on the church, boy get down on your knees!
Anarchy Club - Behind The Mask
I am darkness
I am night
I am vengeance
I bring light
I'm a winter breeze in summertime
The world is broken, I'm just fine
Looking day and living night
But I'm alright
Cloak and dagger
Cape and mask
Smoke and mirrors
Guilty past
I'm a winter breeze in summertime
The world is broken, I'm just fine
Looking day and living night
But I'm alright
I am the man behind the mask
I'm a winter breeze in summertime
The world is broken, I'm just fine
Looking day and living night
But I'm alright
I am night
I am vengeance
I bring light
I'm a winter breeze in summertime
The world is broken, I'm just fine
Looking day and living night
But I'm alright
Cloak and dagger
Cape and mask
Smoke and mirrors
Guilty past
I'm a winter breeze in summertime
The world is broken, I'm just fine
Looking day and living night
But I'm alright
I am the man behind the mask
I'm a winter breeze in summertime
The world is broken, I'm just fine
Looking day and living night
But I'm alright
Evanescence - My Immortal
I'm so tired of being here, suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave
Your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone
These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me
These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me, me, me
And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave
Your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone
These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me
These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me, me, me
Evanescence - Away From Me
I hold my breath, as this life starts to take its toll
I hide behind a smile as this perfect plan unfolds
But oh, God, I feel I've been lied to
Lost all faith in the things I have achieved and I
I've woken now to find myself
In the shadows of all that I have created
I'm longing to be lost in you
(Away from this place I have made)
Won't you take me away from me
Crawling through this world as disease flows through my veins
I look into myself but my own heart has been changed
I can't go on like this, I loathe all I've become
I've woken now to find myself
In the shadows of all that I have created
I'm longing to be lost in you
(Away from this place I have made)
Won't you take me away from me
Lost in a dying world I reach for something more
I have grown so weary of this lie I live
I've woken now to find myself
In the shadows of all that I have created
I'm longing to be lost in you
I, I've woken now to find myself
I've been lost in shadows of my own
I'm longing to be lost in you, away from me, from me
From me, from me, from me
From me, from me, from me
I hide behind a smile as this perfect plan unfolds
But oh, God, I feel I've been lied to
Lost all faith in the things I have achieved and I
I've woken now to find myself
In the shadows of all that I have created
I'm longing to be lost in you
(Away from this place I have made)
Won't you take me away from me
Crawling through this world as disease flows through my veins
I look into myself but my own heart has been changed
I can't go on like this, I loathe all I've become
I've woken now to find myself
In the shadows of all that I have created
I'm longing to be lost in you
(Away from this place I have made)
Won't you take me away from me
Lost in a dying world I reach for something more
I have grown so weary of this lie I live
I've woken now to find myself
In the shadows of all that I have created
I'm longing to be lost in you
I, I've woken now to find myself
I've been lost in shadows of my own
I'm longing to be lost in you, away from me, from me
From me, from me, from me
From me, from me, from me
Evanescence - Anything For You
I'd give anything to give me to you
Can you forget the world that you thought you knew?
(If you want me)
If you want me
(Come and find me)
Come and find me
(I'm right here)
Nothing's stopping you
So please release me
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
Nothing left to make me feel any more
Theres only you and every day I need more
(If you want me)
If you want me
(Come and find me)
Come and find me
(I'll do anything)
I'll do anything you say
Just tell me
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
Anything for you
I'll become your earth and sky
Forever never die
I'll be everything you need
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
Can you forget the world that you thought you knew?
(If you want me)
If you want me
(Come and find me)
Come and find me
(I'm right here)
Nothing's stopping you
So please release me
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
Nothing left to make me feel any more
Theres only you and every day I need more
(If you want me)
If you want me
(Come and find me)
Come and find me
(I'll do anything)
I'll do anything you say
Just tell me
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
Anything for you
I'll become your earth and sky
Forever never die
I'll be everything you need
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
Evanescence - The Only One
You know you're not the only one
When they all come crashing down, mid-flight
You know you're not the only one
When they're so alone they find a back door out of life
You know you're not the only one
We're all grieving
Lost and bleeding
All our lives, we've been waiting
For someone to call our leader
All your lies, I'm not believing
Heaven shine a light down on me
So afraid to open your eyes, hypnotized
You know you're not the only one
Never understood this life and you're right, I don't deserve
But you know I'm not the only one
We're all grieving
Lost and bleeding
All our lives, we've been waiting
For someone to call our leader
All your lies, I'm not believing
Heaven shine a light down on me
Don't look down, don't look into the eyes
Of the world beneath you
Don't look down, you'll fall down
You'll become their sacrifice
Right or wrong, can't hold on
To the fear that I'm lost without you
If I can't feel, I'm not mine
I'm not real
All our lives, we've been waiting
For someone to call our leader
All your lies, I'm not believing
Heaven shine a light down on me
When they all come crashing down, mid-flight
You know you're not the only one
When they're so alone they find a back door out of life
You know you're not the only one
We're all grieving
Lost and bleeding
All our lives, we've been waiting
For someone to call our leader
All your lies, I'm not believing
Heaven shine a light down on me
So afraid to open your eyes, hypnotized
You know you're not the only one
Never understood this life and you're right, I don't deserve
But you know I'm not the only one
We're all grieving
Lost and bleeding
All our lives, we've been waiting
For someone to call our leader
All your lies, I'm not believing
Heaven shine a light down on me
Don't look down, don't look into the eyes
Of the world beneath you
Don't look down, you'll fall down
You'll become their sacrifice
Right or wrong, can't hold on
To the fear that I'm lost without you
If I can't feel, I'm not mine
I'm not real
All our lives, we've been waiting
For someone to call our leader
All your lies, I'm not believing
Heaven shine a light down on me
Evanescence - All That I'm Living For
All that I'm living for
All that I'm dying for
All that I can't ignore
Alone at night
I can feel the night beginning
Separate me from the living
Understanding me
After all I've seen
Piecing every thought together
Find the words to make me better
If I only knew
How to pull myself apart?
All that I'm living for
All that I'm dying for
All that I can't ignore
Alone at night
All that I'm wanted for
Although I wanted more
Lock the last open door
My ghosts are gaining on me
I believe that dreams are sacred
Take my darkest fears and play them
Like a lullaby
Like a reason why
Like a play of my obsessions
Make me understand the lesson
So I'll find myself
So I won't be lost again
All that I'm living for
All that I'm dying for
All that I can't ignore
Alone at night
All that I'm wanted for
Although I wanted more
Lock the last open door
My ghosts are gaining on me
Guess I thought I'd have to change the world
To make you see me
To be the one I could have run forever
But how for would I have come
Without mourning your love?
All that I'm living for
All that I'm dying for
All that I can't ignore
Alone at night
All that I'm wanted for
Although I wanted more
Lock the last open door
My ghosts are gaining on me
Should it hurt to love you?
Should I feel like I do?
Should I lock the last open door
My ghosts are gaining on me
All that I'm dying for
All that I can't ignore
Alone at night
I can feel the night beginning
Separate me from the living
Understanding me
After all I've seen
Piecing every thought together
Find the words to make me better
If I only knew
How to pull myself apart?
All that I'm living for
All that I'm dying for
All that I can't ignore
Alone at night
All that I'm wanted for
Although I wanted more
Lock the last open door
My ghosts are gaining on me
I believe that dreams are sacred
Take my darkest fears and play them
Like a lullaby
Like a reason why
Like a play of my obsessions
Make me understand the lesson
So I'll find myself
So I won't be lost again
All that I'm living for
All that I'm dying for
All that I can't ignore
Alone at night
All that I'm wanted for
Although I wanted more
Lock the last open door
My ghosts are gaining on me
Guess I thought I'd have to change the world
To make you see me
To be the one I could have run forever
But how for would I have come
Without mourning your love?
All that I'm living for
All that I'm dying for
All that I can't ignore
Alone at night
All that I'm wanted for
Although I wanted more
Lock the last open door
My ghosts are gaining on me
Should it hurt to love you?
Should I feel like I do?
Should I lock the last open door
My ghosts are gaining on me
Green Day - Twenty One Guns
Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I
When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I
Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I
When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I
Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I
Green Day - Ha Ha You're Dead
How do you get your sleep at night?
How did you get your noose so tight?
Like chewing on tinfoil that's so much fun
Gonna be dead before you're gone
'Cause look how things have gotten
And I'll be happy so I won't pretend
And I'll be cheering that you're going down
And I'll be laughing, I'll be laughing
How many feelings can you steal?
Gotta be part of your appeal
I can see through you 'cause you're wearing thin
Like chewing on tinfoil once again
'Cause look how things have gotten
And I'll be happy so I won't pretend
And I'll be cheering that you're going down
And I'll be laughing
Ha, ha you're dead
And I'm so happy
In loving memory
Of your demise
When your ship is going down
I'll go out and paint the town
Ha ha you're dead, ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
And I'm so happy
In loving memory
Of your demise
When your ship is going down
I'll go out and paint the town
Ha, ha you're dead, ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
The joke is over
You were an asshole
And now you're gone
As your ship is going down
I'll stand by and watch you drown
Ha, ha you're dead ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
Ha ha you're dead you're gonna be dead
Just remember what I said
Ha, ha you're dead ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
How did you get your noose so tight?
Like chewing on tinfoil that's so much fun
Gonna be dead before you're gone
'Cause look how things have gotten
And I'll be happy so I won't pretend
And I'll be cheering that you're going down
And I'll be laughing, I'll be laughing
How many feelings can you steal?
Gotta be part of your appeal
I can see through you 'cause you're wearing thin
Like chewing on tinfoil once again
'Cause look how things have gotten
And I'll be happy so I won't pretend
And I'll be cheering that you're going down
And I'll be laughing
Ha, ha you're dead
And I'm so happy
In loving memory
Of your demise
When your ship is going down
I'll go out and paint the town
Ha ha you're dead, ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
And I'm so happy
In loving memory
Of your demise
When your ship is going down
I'll go out and paint the town
Ha, ha you're dead, ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
The joke is over
You were an asshole
And now you're gone
As your ship is going down
I'll stand by and watch you drown
Ha, ha you're dead ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
Ha ha you're dead you're gonna be dead
Just remember what I said
Ha, ha you're dead ha, ha you're dead
Ha, ha you're dead
Green Day - Having A Blast
I'm taking....all you down with me!
Explosives duct-taped to my spine.
Nothing's gonna' change my mind.
I won't listen....to anyone's last words.
There's nothing left for you to say.
Soon you'll be dead anyway.
Well no one here is getting out alive.
This time I've really lost my mind and I don't care.
So close your eyes and kiss yourself goodbye,
and think about the times we've spent and what they've meant.
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
I'm losing....all my happiness.
The happiness you pinned on me.
My loneliness still comforts me.
My anger....swells inside of me.
I'm taking it all out on you,
and all the shit you put me through.
Well no one here is getting out alive.
This time I've really lost my mind and I don't care.
So close your eyes and kiss yourself goodbye,
and think about the times we've spent and what they've meant.
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
Do you ever think back, to another time?
Does it bring you so down,
that you thought you'd lost your mind?
Do you ever want to lead a long trail of destruction,
and mow down any bullshit that confronts you?
Do you ever build up all the small things in your head?
To make one problem that adds up to nothing.
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
Explosives duct-taped to my spine.
Nothing's gonna' change my mind.
I won't listen....to anyone's last words.
There's nothing left for you to say.
Soon you'll be dead anyway.
Well no one here is getting out alive.
This time I've really lost my mind and I don't care.
So close your eyes and kiss yourself goodbye,
and think about the times we've spent and what they've meant.
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
I'm losing....all my happiness.
The happiness you pinned on me.
My loneliness still comforts me.
My anger....swells inside of me.
I'm taking it all out on you,
and all the shit you put me through.
Well no one here is getting out alive.
This time I've really lost my mind and I don't care.
So close your eyes and kiss yourself goodbye,
and think about the times we've spent and what they've meant.
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
Do you ever think back, to another time?
Does it bring you so down,
that you thought you'd lost your mind?
Do you ever want to lead a long trail of destruction,
and mow down any bullshit that confronts you?
Do you ever build up all the small things in your head?
To make one problem that adds up to nothing.
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
To me it's nothing
Green Day - Burnout
I declare I don't care no more
I'm burning up and out and growing bored
In my smoked out boring room
My hair is shagging in my eyes
Dragging my feet to hit the street tonight
To drive along these shit town lights
I'm not growing up
I'm just burning out
And I stepped in line
to walk amongst the dead
Apathy has rained on me
Now I'm feeling like a soggy dream
So close to drowning but I don't mind
I've lived inside this mental cave
Throw my emotions in the grave
Hell, who needs them anyway
I'm not growing up
I'm just burning out
And I stepped in line
to walk amongst the dead
[Repeat many times]
I'm burning up and out and growing bored
In my smoked out boring room
My hair is shagging in my eyes
Dragging my feet to hit the street tonight
To drive along these shit town lights
I'm not growing up
I'm just burning out
And I stepped in line
to walk amongst the dead
Apathy has rained on me
Now I'm feeling like a soggy dream
So close to drowning but I don't mind
I've lived inside this mental cave
Throw my emotions in the grave
Hell, who needs them anyway
I'm not growing up
I'm just burning out
And I stepped in line
to walk amongst the dead
[Repeat many times]
Green Day - Pulling Teeth
I'm all busted up
Broken bones and nasty cuts
Accidents will happen
But this time I can't get up
She comes to check on me
Making sure I'm on my knees
After all she's the one
Who put me in this state
Is she ultra-violent?
Is she disturbed?
I better tell her that I love her
Before she does it all over again
Oh god, she's killing me!!!
For now I'll lie around
hell, that's all I can really do
She takes good care of me
Just keep saying my love is true
Is she ultra-violent?
Is she disturbed?
I better tell her that I love her
Before she does it all over again
Oh god, she's killing me!!!
Looking out my window for
Someone that's passing by
No one knows I'm locked in here
All I do is cry
For now I'll lie around
hell, that's all I can really do
She takes good care of me
Just keep saying my love is true
Broken bones and nasty cuts
Accidents will happen
But this time I can't get up
She comes to check on me
Making sure I'm on my knees
After all she's the one
Who put me in this state
Is she ultra-violent?
Is she disturbed?
I better tell her that I love her
Before she does it all over again
Oh god, she's killing me!!!
For now I'll lie around
hell, that's all I can really do
She takes good care of me
Just keep saying my love is true
Is she ultra-violent?
Is she disturbed?
I better tell her that I love her
Before she does it all over again
Oh god, she's killing me!!!
Looking out my window for
Someone that's passing by
No one knows I'm locked in here
All I do is cry
For now I'll lie around
hell, that's all I can really do
She takes good care of me
Just keep saying my love is true
Owl City - To The Sky
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...
Shipwreck in the sea of faces,
There's a dreamy world up there,
Dear friends in higher places,
Carry me away from here,
Travel light let the sun eclipse you,
'Cause your flight is about to leave,
And there's more to this brave adventure,
Than you'd ever believe,
Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery,
'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky,
Take to the sky,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...
On the hills of lore and wonder,
There's a stormy world up there,
You can't whisper above the thunder,
But you can fly anywhere,
Purple burst of paper birds this,
Picture paints a thousand words,
So take a breath of myth and mystery,
And don't look back!
Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery,
Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky,
There's a realm above the trees,
Where the lost are finally found,
Touch your feathers to the breeze,
And leave the ground,
Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky,
Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery,
Because after all those wings will take you, up, so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky.
You, take to the sky.
Take to the sky.
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...
You take to the sky...
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...
Shipwreck in the sea of faces,
There's a dreamy world up there,
Dear friends in higher places,
Carry me away from here,
Travel light let the sun eclipse you,
'Cause your flight is about to leave,
And there's more to this brave adventure,
Than you'd ever believe,
Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery,
'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky,
Take to the sky,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...
On the hills of lore and wonder,
There's a stormy world up there,
You can't whisper above the thunder,
But you can fly anywhere,
Purple burst of paper birds this,
Picture paints a thousand words,
So take a breath of myth and mystery,
And don't look back!
Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery,
Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky,
There's a realm above the trees,
Where the lost are finally found,
Touch your feathers to the breeze,
And leave the ground,
Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky,
Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery,
Because after all those wings will take you, up, so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky.
You, take to the sky.
Take to the sky.
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah,
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...
You take to the sky...
Owl City - Brielle
There’s a handwritten note ,
Pressed in the door, Of her screened in porch,
And I am sailing away, Recalling that day,
Miles from shore,
She was still wearing white and Robins egg blue,
Her grandmother’s dress,
When I left early this year, How I wound up here,
Is anyone’s guess,
When the new sights grow old and I start to feel cold,
I’ll sail home again,
Goodbye Brielle,
Only whispers can tell,
Of the sweet dreams that we knew so well,
I’ll see you around,
Our dear ocean town,
The frozen days, We set a blaze,
Send me drifting away,
Like a butterfly, You floated by,
And now you’re alone I wish I knew when,
I’ll be back again,
So I tell them I wish you well,
My dear Brielle,
(My dear Brielle)
Strolling over this scene,
And cobbles done paths, They wind through the trees,
And breathing the sweet forest air makes me bloomer the
That she could be free,
When the new sightss grow old and I start to feel cold,
I’ll sail home again,
Goodbye Brielle,
Only whispers came tell,
Of the sweet dreams that we knew so well,
I’ll see you around,
Our dear ocean town,
The frozen days, We set a blaze,
Send me drifting away,
Like a butterfly, You floated by,
And now you’re alone I wish I knew well,
I’ll be back again,
So until then I wish you well,
So until then I wish you well,
I love you, my darling, farewell,
My dear Brielle,
(My dear Brielle).
Pressed in the door, Of her screened in porch,
And I am sailing away, Recalling that day,
Miles from shore,
She was still wearing white and Robins egg blue,
Her grandmother’s dress,
When I left early this year, How I wound up here,
Is anyone’s guess,
When the new sights grow old and I start to feel cold,
I’ll sail home again,
Goodbye Brielle,
Only whispers can tell,
Of the sweet dreams that we knew so well,
I’ll see you around,
Our dear ocean town,
The frozen days, We set a blaze,
Send me drifting away,
Like a butterfly, You floated by,
And now you’re alone I wish I knew when,
I’ll be back again,
So I tell them I wish you well,
My dear Brielle,
(My dear Brielle)
Strolling over this scene,
And cobbles done paths, They wind through the trees,
And breathing the sweet forest air makes me bloomer the
That she could be free,
When the new sightss grow old and I start to feel cold,
I’ll sail home again,
Goodbye Brielle,
Only whispers came tell,
Of the sweet dreams that we knew so well,
I’ll see you around,
Our dear ocean town,
The frozen days, We set a blaze,
Send me drifting away,
Like a butterfly, You floated by,
And now you’re alone I wish I knew well,
I’ll be back again,
So until then I wish you well,
So until then I wish you well,
I love you, my darling, farewell,
My dear Brielle,
(My dear Brielle).
Owl CIty - Hot Air Balloon
We wrote a prelude
To our own fairy tale
And bought a parachute
At a church rummage sale
And with a mean sewing machine
And miles of thread
We sewed the day above L.A.
In navy and red
We wound a race track
Through your mom's kitchen chairs
And fought the shadows back
Down your dark basement stairs
I lit a match, then let it catch
To light up the room
And then you yelled as we beheld
An old maroon hot air balloon
I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean out and touch the treetops over town
I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down
La la la laa laaaa
La la la la
La la laa laaaa
We drank the Great Lakes
Like cold lemonade
And both got stomach aches
Sprawled out in the shade
So bored to death you held your breath
And I tried not to yawn
You made my frown turn upside down
And now my worries are gone
I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean out and touch the treetops over town
I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down
I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean out and touch the treetops over town
I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down
To our own fairy tale
And bought a parachute
At a church rummage sale
And with a mean sewing machine
And miles of thread
We sewed the day above L.A.
In navy and red
We wound a race track
Through your mom's kitchen chairs
And fought the shadows back
Down your dark basement stairs
I lit a match, then let it catch
To light up the room
And then you yelled as we beheld
An old maroon hot air balloon
I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean out and touch the treetops over town
I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down
La la la laa laaaa
La la la la
La la laa laaaa
We drank the Great Lakes
Like cold lemonade
And both got stomach aches
Sprawled out in the shade
So bored to death you held your breath
And I tried not to yawn
You made my frown turn upside down
And now my worries are gone
I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean out and touch the treetops over town
I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down
I'll be out of my mind
And you'll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let's spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean out and touch the treetops over town
I can't wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down
Owl City - The Bird and The Worm
If you're the bird whenever we pretend it's summer
Then I'm the worm, I know the part, it's such a bummer
But fair is fair, if my segments get separated
I'll scream and you'll be there
Close your eyes, close my eyes
Slide the cotton off of your shoulder
And feel the shine, feel the shine
I'm hooked so toss me over and cast a line, oh I'll try
Oh, throw a party and greet my undersea friends
It depends, as they arrive, if they arrive
You and I left our troubles far behind, troubles far behind
But I still have just one more question on my mind
For all my pals who live in the oceans and the seas
With friends like these well, who needs enemies
If I'm your boy, let's take a short cut we remember
And we'll enjoy, picking apples in late September
Like we've done for years
Then we'll take a long walk through the corn field
And I'll kiss you between the ears
If you're my girl, swirl me around your room with feeling
And as we twirl, the glow in the dark stars on your ceiling
Will shine for us, as love sweeps over the room
'Cause we tend to make each other blush, you make me blush
You and I left our troubles far behind, troubles far behind
But I still have just one more question on my mind
For all my pals who live in the oceans and the seas
With fronds like these well, who needs anemones?
You're the bird and I'm the worm and it's plain to see
That we were meant to be
We were meant to be
We were meant to be
If you're the bird
If you're the bird
Then I'm the worm
We were meant to be
Then I'm the worm, I know the part, it's such a bummer
But fair is fair, if my segments get separated
I'll scream and you'll be there
Close your eyes, close my eyes
Slide the cotton off of your shoulder
And feel the shine, feel the shine
I'm hooked so toss me over and cast a line, oh I'll try
Oh, throw a party and greet my undersea friends
It depends, as they arrive, if they arrive
You and I left our troubles far behind, troubles far behind
But I still have just one more question on my mind
For all my pals who live in the oceans and the seas
With friends like these well, who needs enemies
If I'm your boy, let's take a short cut we remember
And we'll enjoy, picking apples in late September
Like we've done for years
Then we'll take a long walk through the corn field
And I'll kiss you between the ears
If you're my girl, swirl me around your room with feeling
And as we twirl, the glow in the dark stars on your ceiling
Will shine for us, as love sweeps over the room
'Cause we tend to make each other blush, you make me blush
You and I left our troubles far behind, troubles far behind
But I still have just one more question on my mind
For all my pals who live in the oceans and the seas
With fronds like these well, who needs anemones?
You're the bird and I'm the worm and it's plain to see
That we were meant to be
We were meant to be
We were meant to be
If you're the bird
If you're the bird
Then I'm the worm
We were meant to be
Secondhand Serenade - Stay Close, Don't Go
Staring at the glass in front of me
Is it half empty?
Have I ruined all you've given me?
I know I've been selfish, I know I've been foolish
But look through that and you will see
That I'll do better, I know
Baby, I can do better
If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone
Don't tell me I will make it on my own
Don't leave me tonight
This heart of stone will sing till it dies
If you leave me tonight
Sometimes I stare at you while you are sleeping
I listen to your breathing
Amazed how I somehow managed to
Sweep you off of your feet, girl, your perfect little feet, girl
I took for granted what you do
But I'll do better, I know
Baby, I can do better
If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone
Don't tell me I will make it on my own
Don't leave me tonight
This heart of stone will sing till it dies
If you leave me tonight
And don't you know my heart is open
Oh, it's putting up a fight
And I've got this feeling that every thing's alright
Don't you see I'm not the only one for you
But you're the only one for me
If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone
If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone
Don't tell me I will make it on my own
Don't leave me tonight
This heart of stone will sing till it dies
If you leave me tonight
Don't leave me tonight
Is it half empty?
Have I ruined all you've given me?
I know I've been selfish, I know I've been foolish
But look through that and you will see
That I'll do better, I know
Baby, I can do better
If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone
Don't tell me I will make it on my own
Don't leave me tonight
This heart of stone will sing till it dies
If you leave me tonight
Sometimes I stare at you while you are sleeping
I listen to your breathing
Amazed how I somehow managed to
Sweep you off of your feet, girl, your perfect little feet, girl
I took for granted what you do
But I'll do better, I know
Baby, I can do better
If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone
Don't tell me I will make it on my own
Don't leave me tonight
This heart of stone will sing till it dies
If you leave me tonight
And don't you know my heart is open
Oh, it's putting up a fight
And I've got this feeling that every thing's alright
Don't you see I'm not the only one for you
But you're the only one for me
If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone
If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone
Don't tell me I will make it on my own
Don't leave me tonight
This heart of stone will sing till it dies
If you leave me tonight
Don't leave me tonight
Secondhand Serenade - Only Hope
my beating heart is getting tired
tonight it feels like it's on fire
and I'm driving all alone
my hand is on my phone
waiting for you to call me
please pick up the phone and call me
cause I'm lonely and my mind is aching
can't you see I'm for the taking
you are my only hope
but youre so far
and you are my only hope
so come back home
from where you are
I see your face on everyone
like the constant beating of the sun
right on my skin
I'm suffering without you
I'm tired i reach for my stereo
it's starting to sound real close to home
and I cant bear
to sleep here without you
you are my only hope
but you're so far
and you are my only hope
so come back home
from where you are
just come back home
from where you are
just come back home
sometimes I feel like I was mistaken
you must be an angel
sit down and teach me what life was all about
I see myself changing
no longer a stranger
you gave me a reason to never die
you are my only hope
but you're so far
and you are my only hope
so come back home
from where you are
tonight it feels like it's on fire
and I'm driving all alone
my hand is on my phone
waiting for you to call me
please pick up the phone and call me
cause I'm lonely and my mind is aching
can't you see I'm for the taking
you are my only hope
but youre so far
and you are my only hope
so come back home
from where you are
I see your face on everyone
like the constant beating of the sun
right on my skin
I'm suffering without you
I'm tired i reach for my stereo
it's starting to sound real close to home
and I cant bear
to sleep here without you
you are my only hope
but you're so far
and you are my only hope
so come back home
from where you are
just come back home
from where you are
just come back home
sometimes I feel like I was mistaken
you must be an angel
sit down and teach me what life was all about
I see myself changing
no longer a stranger
you gave me a reason to never die
you are my only hope
but you're so far
and you are my only hope
so come back home
from where you are
Secondhand Serenade - Take Me With You
Forgive me if I seem forward,
But I've never been in front of anything like you,
It's the last place I ever thought I'd be when I woke up this morning,
Is it true that you are always this breathtaking?,
And you're smart and you're willing,
And my god this is killing me,
Tell me all the things you never said,
We can lie here and talk for hours in my bed,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
You started to see right through me,
And I'm loving every minute of it,
Its like I'm born again every time I breath in so,
If you're curious my favorite color's blue,
And I like to sing in the shower,
If you like I'll sing to you,
Tell me all the things you never said,
We can lie here and talk for hours in my bed,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
Tell me all of your hopes,
All of your dreams,
I want you to take me there (take me there),
Tell me all of your hopes,
All of your dreams,
I want to take you there (take you there),
Tell me everything,
Every breath,
I want you to know I'll be there (know I'll be there),
There's just one more thing,
One request,
I want you to take me with you,
Take me with you,
I will never let you down,
I will love you now and forever (now and forever),
[Repeat 5x]
But I've never been in front of anything like you,
It's the last place I ever thought I'd be when I woke up this morning,
Is it true that you are always this breathtaking?,
And you're smart and you're willing,
And my god this is killing me,
Tell me all the things you never said,
We can lie here and talk for hours in my bed,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
You started to see right through me,
And I'm loving every minute of it,
Its like I'm born again every time I breath in so,
If you're curious my favorite color's blue,
And I like to sing in the shower,
If you like I'll sing to you,
Tell me all the things you never said,
We can lie here and talk for hours in my bed,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
Tell me all of your hopes,
All of your dreams,
I want you to take me there (take me there),
Tell me all of your hopes,
All of your dreams,
I want to take you there (take you there),
Tell me everything,
Every breath,
I want you to know I'll be there (know I'll be there),
There's just one more thing,
One request,
I want you to take me with you,
Take me with you,
I will never let you down,
I will love you now and forever (now and forever),
[Repeat 5x]
Secondhand Serenade - Broken
In the moonlight
Your face it glows
Like a thousand diamonds
I suppose
And your hair flows like
The ocean breeze
Not a million fights
Could make me hate you
You're invincible
Yeah, It's true
It's in your eyes
Where I find peace
Is it broken?
Can we work it out?
Let's light up the town, scream out loud!
Is it broken?
Can we work it out?
I can see in your eyes
You're ready to break
Don't look away.
So here we are now
In a place where
The sun blended
With the ocean thin.
So thin, we stand
Across from each other
Together we'll wonder
If we will last these days
If I asked you to stay
Would you tell me
You would be mine?
And time
Is all I ask for
I just need one more day
And time
You've been crying too long
And your tears wrote this song
In the moonlight
Your face it glows
Is it broken?
Can we work it out?
Let's light up the town, scream out loud!
Is it broken?
Can we work it out?
I can see in your eyes
You're ready to break
Don't look away.
Your face it glows
Like a thousand diamonds
I suppose
And your hair flows like
The ocean breeze
Not a million fights
Could make me hate you
You're invincible
Yeah, It's true
It's in your eyes
Where I find peace
Is it broken?
Can we work it out?
Let's light up the town, scream out loud!
Is it broken?
Can we work it out?
I can see in your eyes
You're ready to break
Don't look away.
So here we are now
In a place where
The sun blended
With the ocean thin.
So thin, we stand
Across from each other
Together we'll wonder
If we will last these days
If I asked you to stay
Would you tell me
You would be mine?
And time
Is all I ask for
I just need one more day
And time
You've been crying too long
And your tears wrote this song
In the moonlight
Your face it glows
Is it broken?
Can we work it out?
Let's light up the town, scream out loud!
Is it broken?
Can we work it out?
I can see in your eyes
You're ready to break
Don't look away.
Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You
The best thing 'bout tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start
Oh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start
Oh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find